Welcome to The Dodgy Divas Game Room!

Players must start all new games within 7 days of receiving notification of their turn.
Games where a player has not started their game within that time limit, will expire.
Otherwise, you have 14 days to continue your game, else your game will also expire.

Clicking on refresh will load the most recent list of games, in this room.
Please scroll down the player list, and click on your player names, to open your games.

There are currently 70 games being played in this room.

   Ada and Donna
   Adinaddd3 and Lee
   adinahdd2 and Madge
   amyamigo and monamimolly
   anita and susita
   Anita Levin and Emily wilson
   Anna and Marja
   anna and suzette
   annetoohotinnyc and mollyperfectinPet
   Art and Penny
   Babs and Chris
   Barbara and Lynn
   Bill and Leonard
   Bunny and Hop
   Cam and Jam
   Cee and Jay
   charlotte and irena
   charlotte and irene
   Chris and kay
   Dad and Katie
   David and Bonnie
   Diane and Judy
   Doctors and Nurses
   DuluthLeeAnn and SiouxCityMarcia
   Emily and Mom
   Faye and Adinah dd2
   fixed my eyes and going to fix my eyes
   Freyda and Randi
   Gail W Mackenzie and julia eckman
   ginny and mandy
   Gisele and Mary Ann
   Greg and illtyd
   hoot and tweet
   Jam and Caramel
   Janet and Carol
   Janet and Dawn
   Jean and Deb
   Jeffrey and Beverly
   LeeAnnaBanana and Anniebananie
   Lh and Rr
   Linda and Helen
   Lindy and Hop
   Loreen olney and Lynn Hunt
   Mary and Margaret
   Michelle and Carol
   Michelle and carol Blake
   Mike and jan
   Mollikins and Annikins
   Mollyupthemountain and Anniewatchingbirds
   Mo and Jo
   Opet and Tiago
   Pam and Janet
   patticakes and M
   Patty and Cake
   paula and barbara
   Penny and Art
   pgrannie and sgrampa
   rebecca and debby
   Richard and Margaret
   Rose and Penny
   Rtr and Lmh
   Rudy and Margot
   Sarah and Rita
   Saralou and Janet
   Sretna and Tiago
   Stuart and Phyllis
   sue and kathy
   suffering and sad
   tree07 and tree02
   Walt and Gisele