Welcome to The Centre Square Game Room!

Players must start all new games within 7 days of receiving notification of their turn.
Games where a player has not started their game within that time limit, will expire.
Otherwise, you have 14 days to continue your game, else your game will also expire.

Clicking on refresh will load the most recent list of games, in this room.
Please scroll down the player list, and click on your player names, to open your games.

There are currently 42 games being played in this room.

   Anne and Deborah
   Betty Jane and Tanya
   Bill and Leonard
   Bonus and Dottysburgers
   Carol and Kimberly
   Claire and Grammy
   David and Bonnie
   Dput and Dsob
   Eaton and Hall
   Gail and Cherie
   Good and Plenty
   henrietta and Joanne
   Hope and Chaz
   Jackie and Marilyn
   Janette and Joanne
   Janet and Judy
   Jen and Joy
   Kate and Ingrida
   Kirsten and Gladys
   Laura Jo and Patti
   Lorraine and Mary
   M10 Kathryn and M10 Ted
   Maria A Connell and MARIA F
   Mary and Suzi
   Mary Ann Gingerich and Lois Horsens
   Nancy and Marjie
   Pamela and Sheona
   pam and dean
   Patti and David
   pat and jim
   Phyllis and Chris
   Richards and Hurd
   Roberta and Susan
   Romage and Kateo
   Rosemary and Wendy
   SHARI and Critical
   ShesKickinMy and Patootie
   Sobo and Puttly
   Still waiting for Spring and On the Road Again
   tree02 and tree07
   uncle Frank and Joanne
   Yvonne and Nancy